A full-service PR consultancy specializing in financial services communications

About Sharpe International


Since 2012, we've been the trusted advisor for both large and smaller international and domestic companies, mainly in the financial services sector. Our team combines skills obtained from many years of experience in financial journalism, corporate communications, and marketing.




During his career, Mark was among others Head of Communications for Fortis Investments (for NL, B and Fr) and ING Investment Management Europe (now Goldman Sachs Asset Management). Mark has worked in PR since 1990 and in the financial sector since 1996, where he advises and helps organisations with their communications on financial & investment products, real estate and personal finance. Mark is owner/consultant of Sharpe International. Mark is Dutch and is fluent in English, Danish and Spanish.


van den Berg


For many years, Manno was one of the leading financial journalists in the Netherlands, writing for De Financiële Telegraaf and Fondsnieuws (nowadays called Investment Officer). Before joining Sharpe, Manno was Editor-in-Chief for investment content from 2016-2018 at NNIP Europe (now Goldman Sachs Asset Management). Since then, Manno has been a consultant at Sharpe International. He has over twenty-five years of experience in the media (investment, pensions and tax policy) and the investment industry. Manno is a consultant, content specialist, and media trainer of Sharpe International. Manno is Dutch and is fluent in English, German and Japanese.



Manager Publication Desk

Managing Sharpe’s Publication Desk, Wouter ensures a constant flow of topical publicity for clients and monitors the news closely. Wouter has more than twenty years of experience in marketing, direct marketing, marketing communications, online marketing and text production. He has over ten years of experience in the financial industry. Wouter is Dutch and is fluent in English and Spanish.




Boasting over thirteen years of experience in PR and communication services, Gerrie has established a commendable track record, crafting successful PR strategies for a diverse clientele that includes leading multinationals, public sector projects, family businesses, and NGOs. Driven by curiosity and a creative approach, he specializes in strategic PR advice tailored for financial institutions, scientific initiatives, technology companies, and applications of artificial intelligence. Prior to his role at Sharpe International, Gerrie served as a spokesperson for the Consumer & Market Authority (ACM), on behalf of the Directorate overseeing the regulated markets of Telecom, Transport, and Postal Services. His expertise also encompasses managing media relations for regulatory entities such as the Digital Regulators Collaboration Platform (SDT) and the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). Rooted in a rich journalistic background, Gerrie previously worked as a financial-economic journalist for esteemed media outlets such as the Financieele Dagblad, NOS Nieuws, RTL Z, and RTL Nieuws. A native Dutch speaker, Gerrie is also fluent in English.


We understand the power of PR and reputation management as essential pillars for the success of your organization. Our expertise extends from developing robust PR strategies that strengthen your brand and shape public perception, to meticulously managing your reputation to build trust and credibility. Our integrated communication approach ensures that your organization not only maintains a positive image, but effectively communicates with all key stakeholders, such as employees, governments, and interest groups. All this contributes to achieving your strategic objectives and securing a sustainable competitive advantage in your industry. Contact us today to discover how we can elevate your organization's communication strategy.


Motivated by our curiosity, creativity and passion for communications, we work in close partnership with our clients. At the same time, being outside our clients’ organisation enables us to look objectively at opportunities and threats and give clear advice.

“Clients often see us as an extension of their communications team. We are their eyes and ears in the Dutch market. Working as partners with our clients is enjoyable for both,”
says owner/consultant Mark Beers.

  • We are a no-nonsense firm

    We like a hands-on approach and believe in honesty and transparency. We understand that our clients prefer us to be approachable and agile, and that they trust us to provide advice that’s based on our expertise.

Why Sharpe International?

  • Experience

    in corporate communications, marketing and financial journalism

  • Specialized

    in financial services communications

  • Comprehensive services

    enabling integrated approach

  • Hands-on

    agile and approachable

Contact us

  • Send us your information

    and we will contact you

"Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front page ad."

Richard Branson